Kat's Realm of Possibilities...

Navy Throws
Buddhist Study
Sunspot Symposium
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What Would I Say

I lay alone in bed at night

Your side an empty lonely sight.

I close my eyes and roll onto my back

And dream of you- asleep upon your rack.


I know the hours must be long,

And longer now that you are gone.

I wonder what you do all day,

If you were here what would I say?


I love you. I need you.

You’re part of everything I do.

I see your face in everyone I meet,

In our kids, oh so sweet.


I know that you’ll come back to me,

But every day till then feels like eternity.

I still cry myself to sleep at night, and sometimes in the day,

But you should know in every way-


I could not ever be more proud that I am now.

My sailor, my protector, my partner, my lover, how

I long to hold you in my arms, for just another day.

I pray these weeks fly by, till I see you again, and I can say…


I love you. Always.



(c) Kathryn Cullum 2006